Long story short
AdriaScan specializes in developing and implementing software solutions for data capture and document authentication from various personal and travel documents.
With global presence and expansion to various vertical markets, experienced team of enthusiasts and capability to deliver diversified solutions to any corner of the world, AdriaScan is today recognized as a reliable service provider for ID scanning systems and trustworthy technology partner.
18 years of success
Over the last 18 years we were always striving to provide better and more innovative solutions, never afraid to make a change despite of the risk involved.
Customers in over 110 countries worldwide using our solutions with more than 100
end user applications are giving us huge wind at the back to keep on with same enthusiasm
as 18 years ago.
Progress never came before people and the most valuable measure of our success have always been thousands of satisfied receptionists and clerks who do not have to type personal data ever again!
Reach out to our sales team for full integrations list
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